Monday, March 1, 2010


LEVEL 3: Hard

LEVEL 2 : Medium

LEVEL 1: Easy

All of these games appear to be simple, quick, and direct, but they are not. The further the level of difficulty, the more complex. All of these games have a certain level of completion. The strategic time it takes to get to the completion is where they may very. Our lifestyle activities can be compared to these three games. All of them look like a 'packaged deal' because of their appealing vibrant colors, but don't let that full you. Level 3 offers what appears on the surface to be a simple, ordinary life; but really is an over complicated, tighlty packed schedule, and stressful life with no room for leisure activities. Level 2 offers a life of obstacles set up by ourselves. One that tries to do more than one is capable of and ends up steering away from what they enjoy. Level 1 offers a more ordinary lifestyle of organization, order, and clarity. Simple and direct toward their own interest.
We all pack our lives with too much to where we can easily start to unenjoy ourselves. Minimalizing some of activites would help us enjoy the ones we truly care about. This applies to our everyday lifes as long term decisions. If we think more simple and direct, we will have more clarity to our decisions, rather than adding the complexity of various options of debate. Our consumerist culture has made us accustom to taking on our max load; where we like to quantify our activities rather than add quality. By focusing our attention to simplifying, minimalizing, and embracing the natural essense of things, we are more likely to improve our quality of life.
All of these implications can be applied to architecture. Do you think some our design strategies are over complicated? Where does simplicity need to be present?